The Monday Update is coming in pictorial form today. We've been enjoying life in Andrews this past week. It's been a change of pace and we have done a little of everything; work, preparation, relaxation, and enjoying our
SWO framily. Here are a few shots comprised of the river (Nantahala), babies and

Kyle reading by the Nanty. So smart.

The Falls- a good afternoon of entertainment and cool breezes.

a duck, as if you couldn't tell

I (Jessica) got some super cute shots of the Davis' kids while accompanying Amy to the Kid's Festival in Murphy.

Face painting- it's a blast

Future Fire Chief of America- look at those eyes!

Quilts, there were also chickens. How great is that? I wish I had a better picture.

Last but not least-
APPLESAUCE! Homemade and delicious. I canned some which made my heart super happy. Helps me feel normal and not so detached. Although, I didn't have my canning pot and had to get creative. I have the scars to prove it. I managed to pinch my index finger in a pair of tongs and burn the tar out of myself a couple of times. All in a days work.
So that is a little glimpse into life right now. I wish I had a picture of Kyle covered in concrete dust. He was doing uber-manly work this week and has the splinters and cuts to prove it. Good prep for Liberia.
In other news: We are putting our Liberian visa application in the mail today. HOORAY! That means that when we show up in Liberia they will actually let us in the country!
This weeks Prayer Need: Pray for our family. The reality of our leaving is beginning to become real and they need as much prayer as we do. It has really occurred to us lately that this is a huge sacrifice for them. Pray that we will be able to surround them with love and provide little things, i.e; emails, skype dates, letters, that will encourage them and keep them connected to us even though we are far away. Pray that our time with them in the remaining weeks would be sweet and a real blessing for all of us.