Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1st Blog Post from Liberia!

First things first:
We're alive! I know some of you were beginning to have your doubts! Hugs and kisses and immense gratitude for all your prayers and encouragement. The Lord carried us over the Atlantic safely. Boy, were we glad to be done with flying and by "we" I mean me, Jessica.

We arrived to Monrovia at 8:00pm (West African time- 3:00 pm for the East coast of the U.S.). We wrangled our way through Liberian customs and baggage. We were guided through the "diplomats" line because of our wise decision to sport our homemade EQUIP Liberia I.D. tags. This was a relief because it meant that our bags would not be searched!(again) David Waines' face was a welcome sight when we exited the airport doors. We quickly loaded our bags amidst the chaos and were taken to a wonderful dinner. After a couple of days of airport/airplane food fiery Liberian pepper chicken (I mean fiery!) was a delicious and welcome treat! By the end of dinner we were close to falling asleep in our plates, but our next stop wasn't quite bed. I won't even begin to describe what the other stop was for, but will suffice it to say that I ended up with shoes full of sand and still was uncertain what we had just done. When our heads hit the pillow under the mosquito net that night we were out!

Our first couple of days have been full of firsts. First Liberian driving lessons (defensive driving to say the least), Liberian meals, Liberian building supply stores, Liberian heat, Liberian humidity, Liberian thunderstorms, Liberian roads (a bit bumpy and our vehicles have snorkels). We're working on a few things around Monrovia and by the end of the week hope to be heading to our new "home" up country in Ganta. We are really looking forward to settling in and diving in to work there. As we've been briefed it is clear that there is much work for both Kyle and I to do.

Please pray for us as our bodies continue to adjust to Liberia. We're still a bit jet-lagged and our bodies are trying to figure out what "normal" is, imagine that?!

Our blog posts will be spotty over the next few days until we get to where we are headed. Then we will get on more of a regular schedule and maybe even share some pictures. I am sorry that we don't have pictures to prove that we are alive and well. For now trust that we are in good health and spirits!

We're here! We're here! We're finally here!

Live from Liberia,
Kyle and Jessica


  1. Good job on posting right away! So glad to hear you made it. BTW, the Royal Hotel has wireless, albeit slow, and it's just down the street from your HQ in Monrovia. Good pizza there too. :-) But I suspect you have already been informed of these ever so important details. You have my total sympathy on the rain and the roads- and my daily prayers. Keep up the good work. Love you!!

  2. Hey there! Thanks for the update. I could so picture that chaotic airport scene all over again. Brings back such funny memories of my first exposure to Liberia! :-) Be safe and let God WOW you! Be blessed!

  3. we love you all and have prayed for you nightly! Can't wait to hear more... and to come visit!- LJ and Amy

  4. Praise God. What a surprise that you were in Justin's office when I called him Tuesday. Sandy and I will see you in Ganta soon. We continue to pray for God to use you in a mighty way.

  5. I am so excited for the good news that will be coming thru you two! May the Lord bless your path and bring His people to you with open hearts and open minds. May you see miracles in name of The Lord Jesus!


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~Kyle and Jessica Hoover

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