Hello folks,
What a month it has been! Here's just a few things we've done:
-Traveled from sea to mountains (we saw so many faces that we love!)
-Bought a truck (a 15 year old dream Kyle fulfilled!)
-Got a job (well, Kyle did!)
-Moved to Stanley, NC (yes, this is a real place)
-Unpacked all our worldly goods (we didn't have much but boy was it a hassle to move)
We're getting settled in here in Stanley. We've been here just over a week and well, it is all very strange. Stanley is a small town- which you probably figured out when you murmured to yourself, "Where the heck is Stanley, NC?" Stanley is just Northwest of Charlotte. Kyle's job is in Charlotte only about a 1/2 hour from our house. God really blessed us with a good location and a good size little rental house complete with a front porch and sunroom! Plenty of room for adult Hoovers + Norb's cat + baby girl Hoover.
Here are a few pics of our new abode. It is still a work in progress so don't judge. We are limited on funds and so we will make improvements as money allows. For now this is what we've got!

Front of the house- hard to get a good shot, plus I didn't have my shoes on and the grass was wet.

Front door in need of a wreath or something...I'm workin' on it!

Front porch swing! I'm working on a table and chairs to match the pillows. It will be nice to sit out here in the fall, spring and summer!

Kitchen (the wallpaper is going to be painted over at some point...some point...), at this point I don't care what it looks like I just care that it is functional!

Our little kitchen table. Complete with hydrangeas from the yard and some wood carvings from Liberia.

Spare Bedroom/Kyle's office, most definitely a work in progress. It is kind of sad right now. Anyone is welcome to come and stay, but give me a month or two before you expect greatness from this room. I've got a few ideas up my sleeve!

Our bedroom. Isn't it comfy looking? I've got some ideas for the headboard, but all in good time. The room is much bigger than it looks here. Eventually it will also house my office- another work in progress.

Master bath- it is bigger than it looks, but I didn't want all of the ugly bathroom stuff in the picture. Please ignore the butterflies on the outlet plate. They will be gone soon.

This is the book/sitting area of the living room. We need a chair or two to round out this space.

This is the other side of the living room. Couch-less as you can well see. Hopefully that will be remedied today! Our couch should be on its way and then we can move the t.v. into the room and hang some art or something.

Our sunroom- aka Norb's cat new favorite place when he gets here. We have plans to make this a comfy space.
So that is just a little peek into our new space. We like it. It is more room than we've ever had! You might be wondering, "Where are they gonna put the baby?" Well, there is another room, but I want to share that one with you later as we begin work on it to make it a proper baby space. There is also a second bathroom, but to be quite honest it aint' much to look at so I thought I would save you some eye strain and leave it out. Come visit us and you can see it in real life!
In other non-house news:
Kyle started his new job the day after Labor Day. The job is moving along and we'll see where it leads in the coming months. Hopefully it will provide him some good professional opportunities. He is studying to take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam at the end of October which will allow him to become a licensed engineer on top of being a professional geologist. My husband is so smart. Pray for him as he studies for this test- it isn't easy from what I hear!
As for me and the babe, we are doing well. We go to our first official midwife appointment here in Charlotte (Fort Mill, SC actually). We're at 25 weeks so the time is counting down! EEK!

(25 week belly)
So that is what is up in baby land. We are going to start on her room by the end of the month and we've got 3 baby showers ahead- what a blessing!
So to finish out the month of September we'll be doing a few things- looking for a Church, moving the Norb's cat,

(Remember this guy? He's been bitter since we returned, abandonment issues I think)
down to his new Stanley home, and entering the world of painting and wallpaper removal. All of these things have potential to cause massive earthquakes in the Hoover home.
Prayers needed. I hope that you've enjoyed the tour through the new Hoover house. It's comfy albeit couch-less (which hopefully will be remedied by the time you read this!). I'll try to post as I make changes.
We've been so incredibly blessed this past month. Although changes seem like they have come at the speed of lightning we are able to see God's hand in it all. We are unsure what God is doing to be quite honest, but it is clear that He is leading and providing so we step forward in confidence even if things don't look like what we expected.
We've got new phone numbers and address. Let us know if you need that info. We'd love to get some (non-bill, junk) mail in our new mailbox!
Much Love,
The Hoovers (all 3 + the Norb's cat)