Thursday, September 20, 2012

Madame Blueberry and Online Giving

Well, Millie is on the move and she has the bumps and bruises to prove it. I hold my breath every time she pulls up on something. She is an accident waiting to happen for about 95% of the time she is awake. She got her first official boo-boo this week. It wasn't bad at all, but there were tears and a trace amount of blood.
the aforementioned "boo-boo"

She also decided that blueberries are her new favorite food. This round of blueberries required a bath.

This weekend we're going camping and to the zoo. That should result in some interesting tales and probably a bruise or two more.

Our last post talked about our most recent support letter that went out. We are excited to see how God uses this letter to provide for our needs and the ministry ahead. For those of you who read this blog, but maybe didn't get the letter you can still become financial supporters.


Click on this link or visit the same link posted on the right hand side of the blog. The link on the right hand side will be up permanently. Simply fill out the form and in the designation box specify, "Kyle and Jessica Hoover". That's all!

As you can see we've got a lot going on between support raising, normal day to day and chasing little miss around. We covet your prayers and partnership, fo' real.

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love reading your updates!! I can't wait to meet Miss. Millie!


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~Kyle and Jessica Hoover

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