In the meantime the we've decked our halls and are looking forward to time with family in friends while we wait for this little one! Here are some pictures to prove that the room is finished and to share a bit of our home with you! Merry Christmas and next time you read hopefully we will be able to introduce you to the newest member of the Hoover family! YIPEE!
Making an entrance!
Changing table and crib- isn't the paint color so great! (Valspar Signature in Violet Smoke in case anyone is wondering!)
We have been so blessed that all of the furniture in the room has been given to us! Also, check out the beautiful blanket on the back of the rocker- Thanks Mimi!
Advent candles
Garland and candles (along with our stash of candy peeking out at the bottom of the table)
Our Christmas trees- I think it needs more lights, but this will have to do.
Glittered candles (up cycled thrift store candles! Much cheaper than buying them new!)
Here are a few photos we took back at Thanksgiving so that we could capture our growing family- literally!
Baby Love
Tea time (remember this 100 year old tea set I lugged back across the Atlantic?)
Behind every strong woman is...
Tea party with daddy!
I hope you've enjoyed a little glimpse into our life. Thanks so much for sharing this past year with us from Liberia and back. We're so blessed to know how many people who have loved us and surrounded us with support as we have readjusted to life here Stateside. We are excited to see how God works in our little family in the next year! Please keep following this journey!